[Oasfaa] News and Gossip

Mc Conahay, Pamela K. pmcconahay at ou.edu
Tue Apr 29 15:11:52 CDT 2008

Well, HOT DIGGITY DOG, look who's back!!!!!!   Hi, Debra!!!

For those of you who don't know Debra, she used to be at OCCC and OCU and then OU....and then she went crazy and moved to Las Vegas but always wanted to come back.
I'm REALLY glad she's back....it's good to have another redhead in OASFAA (and unlike mine, hers is REAL).

We'd all like to hear about SGU comings & goings!

Pam McConahay
Associate Director, University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
pmcconahay at ou.edu

From: oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Debra S. Gambill
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:48 PM
To: Hendrickson, Vicki; Laura Coponiti
Cc: oasfaa listserv
Subject: Re: [Oasfaa] News and Gossip


I have some updates from St. Gregory's University.  Some FAA left SGU and new folks into SGU. Anyone know who I should provide this info

Debra Gambill
Director of Financial Aid
(405)  878-5396
dsgambill at stgregorys.edu

From: oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Hendrickson, Vicki
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:20 PM
To: Laura Coponiti
Cc: oasfaa listserv
Subject: Re: [Oasfaa] News and Gossip

Hi All!

I am doing good....thanks for asking!  Although good is subjective....it is April 24th, TU promotes the May 1st National Admission Deadline like there is no other option, and all of our little late applicants (I'm sure none of your students apply late) are quite panicky waiting for an award.  So, this is quite a precious time...:)  Having said that, I would rather be here listening to the wonderful attributes of our students than where I was this time last year.  Sooooooo, truly all is wonderful!!!!!

I loved seeing all the updates that have come through.   Congrats to Kelli and Sherry....I am happy for both of you on your awards!  Pam, I am so sorry for the loss of your step-mother, she indeed sounded like she made a wonderful impact on your life.  What a goal to strive to achieve, I hope that when I am gone someone will say that I impacted their life.

For those of you who know my daughter Jordan, she just passed her drivers license test.  Yes, I have a teenager now that is driving.  So, the next time you see me, if my hair is completely gray, and I have many more wrinkles.......you now have an explanation!  Oh......the issues that come with children as they grow up!  The "manual" never warned me about all these things.....

I absolutely have no gossip to bring to the table, but I love reading it from all of you.  We truly missed seeing everyone at OASFAA.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday........and a restful and delightful weekend!
Congratulations to Marcia, Sheila, and Yvonne....I am so happy for you all, but we will miss you all tremendously!  Thank you for your dedication to our profession!


From: oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:oasfaa-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Laura Coponiti
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:09 AM
To: oasfaa at onenet.net
Subject: [Oasfaa] News and Gossip

Here what little bit of news I know to help keep you updated (by the way you were missed).

The results of the election are:

   President-Elect:      Nancy Moats
   Secretary:              Audra  Main
   Treasurer-Elect:      Tammy Higgins
   Delegate-at-Large:   Carol Stanfield

Kelli Kelnar won the OASFAA Partner Award and Sherry Hudson won the OASFAA Distinguished Service Award.  Attached are pictures of the winners and the lucky retirees.

Since a lot of you that I talked to had to listen to me talk about going home and getting my daughter ready for her senior prom I thought I would attach a picture of the final results.  Pam she is headed your way in the fall, so you guys at OU take care of her.  I will give you her dorm room number and I expect weekly reports. lol  Some how she managed to find a degree we don't offer here, I don't know why she would not want to go to school where her mom and dad both work and everyone on the campus know us and her, go figure.

Pam, picture of you dogs would be nice to see.  We were all saddened to hear about your stepmothers passing, it sounds like you were very lucky to get such a good one.

Okay I did my part now it is the rest of your turn on letting us know what is going one.  Vicki how are you doing!!!

Laura Coponiti
Univ. of Science & Arts of Okla.
1727 W. Alabama
Chickasha, OK  73018-5322
(405) 574-1350

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