[Oasfaa] OASFAA Award Nominations, Please!

Nancy Moats nmoats at usao.edu
Mon Dec 1 14:16:46 CST 2008

It is time to submit nominees for the Distinguished Service Award and the
Partner Award so these awards can be given at the Spring Conference.  Please
read the excerpts below, from the OASFAA P&P Manual, to refresh your memory
on the purpose and procedure for the awards.   Please send your nominations
to me ASAP, or at least by January 15.  


Thanks for your help!


Nancy Moats, OASFAA President Elect

nmoats at usao.edu 









.         Distinguished Service Award:


This award is intended to recognize a practicing student financial aid
professional at an institution. He/she should have contributed unique and
long lasting efforts to the association, the profession, or the cause of
financial aid in Oklahoma. In general, presentation of the awards will occur
at the spring conference of the association.


The following guidelines should be observed in selecting recipients of the


1.         A solicitation for nominees for the award should be made to all
members through a posting on the OASFAA website and through the listserv.


2.         Nominations must be made by active members and must be supported
by two other members of the association.


3.         Only active members of the association are eligible for


4.         The Advisory Committee shall evaluate nominations for the award
and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
has the final decision regarding the selection of recipients.


5.         No current member of the Advisory Committee or voting member of
the Board of Directors is eligible for the award.


6.         The decision regarding the selection of the recipient must be
done by the Board of Directors in executive session.


7.         There is no minimum/maximum number of awards to be distributed
per year; however, it should be understood that the award is a special
distinction and should not be awarded without careful deliberation.


.         Partner Award:


Upon recommendation by the Advisory Committee, a Partner Award may be made
by the Association to another individual, not a practicing aid
administrator, whose efforts are important to advancing the profession or
the needs of students in Oklahoma. The final decision to provide the Partner
Award is made by the Board of Directors. The Partner Award may be made at
either conference, as needs dictate.


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