[Oasfaa] OASFAA Board Activity Update

Nancy Moats nmoats at usao.edu
Thu Oct 8 11:09:14 CDT 2009



With the absence of the Fall Conference, there is less business for the
board agenda, but I would like to bring you up to date on what we are doing.


We met on July 22 at the Moore-Norman Technology Center.   Committee Chairs
reported their progress in organizing their membership and beginning the
planning process for their duties.  The search for conference locations in
the Tulsa area for the 2010-2011 year are underway.


A proposal for the Membership dues process was discussed and adopted.   


A budget for the 2009-10 year was established and approved.  Acknowledging
the fact that our income resources will most likely be much less than
previous years, the expenses were also lowered to cut the frills and we
managed a bottom line in the black.  


The board will begin work on a brochure to promote our organization to
Legislators, High School Counselors, College Presidents, etc.  This idea
came from discussion and examples at the NASFAA Leadership Conference as
ways to let our state leaders and educators know that we are willing to
answer their questions; share our knowledge; educate students and contribute
to the community through service.  David Barron took on the job of brochure


A second meeting was held September 25th at the Northeastern State
University Broken Arrow Campus.  Our treasurer, Mendy Schmerer, was absent
due to the birth of Abagail, but reports that the membership invoicing
process is half-way completed and several payments already received.  A big
thanks to those schools and the rest of you can expect invoices at a later


The website is now updated with the currently revised Board members,
constitution and by-laws.  


David Barron had overheads of the draft brochure for suggestions and
changes.  It is coming along well.


It was decided that our conference theme for the Spring 09 Conference will
be a Circus.  We want to look on the bright side of this year's challenges,
have fun, enjoy some humor and escape from the stress.  On the other hand,
the confusing, convoluted legislation, rules and regulations brings to mind
the statement, "It's a circus!"  J


Lee Kanakis is pursuing several possible sites for the 2009-10 conference in
the Tulsa area.  Suggestions are also welcome.


NASFAA Fall training was extremely expensive this year.  Even if we met as
groups, each school would be charged $95, plus their travel, meals, and we
would also have to print the materials.  The cost to attend individually was
$380 - $700+ depending on membership status.  Fortunately, FSA also offered
free webinars covering the same subjects, for free, about that same time.
That information was forwarded to you and we hope you were able to take
advantage of that opportunity.  Hopefully, several schools will be able to
attend FSA in December.


A statewide OGSLP Conference Call with Mary Mowdy and Rick Edington,  held
just days before, was discussed with those who did not participate.  In the
call, we were assured that OGSLP is supportive of HR3221 regarding community
colleges.  Mary also described the 10 areas in which they plan to continue
providing services for the financial aid community.  Their printed
educational materials are very appealing and comprehensive and available
free for our use, so check them out.

Mary reports that cohort default rates just inched up in Oklahoma, but many
states saw a big increase.  


Congratulations to Rick Edington for being appointed Interim Director in
Mary Mowdy's position at OGSLP.  A big "Thank you" to Mary for her years of
dedication and knowledge and best wishes for her retirement.


The announcement was also made by SWASFAA recently that the newly elected
officers for 2011 include Laura Coponiti as President and Andrew Hammontree
as Oklahoma Delegate.  We should be well represented on the regional level.


The attached letter was approved by the board and faxed to the Oklahoma
Senators and leading members of the Senate Education Committee.   Please
consider writing the Senate with your own thoughts.


The next meeting will be held in mid-November.  If you have any concerns or
ideas, please contact your delegates, Carol Stanfield and Dustin Davidson.


Without the fall conference and opportunities to gather as an organization
and financial aid family, we could easily lose  our networking and personal
connections.  Please keep the listserv, board or me informed of events,
joys, concerns, etc.   Together we can be strong - even if it is a circus
out there.


Nancy Moats

OASFAA President

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