[Oasfaa] FW: Teams

Nancy Vollertsen nvollertsen at uco.edu
Fri Mar 11 10:51:23 CST 2011

OK OASFAA, it's time to get your competitive juices "rockin'"! Attached is the list of teams and team captains for this year's contest to see who can collect the most items or money for our very worthy cause, Citizens Caring for Children. As you can see any of these rockers will be outstanding in the air guitar duel at the President's reception when the winner is announced!

Just as reminder, this year we are collecting medium sized duffle bags with a zipper filled with the following items:

Shampoo and conditioner
Soap (liquid or bar, but if bar please include a soap holder)
Brush and comb
Fleece blanket
Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss

Points will be awarded based on the weight of the filled bag. Every five pounds will be worth one point or $10.00 will be worth one point. Please start collecting your items now and let's show Citizens Caring for Children that OASFAA, as always, has the best heart in the world!


**Bronze+Blue=Green** The University of Central Oklahoma is Bronze, Blue, and Green! Please print this e-mail only if absolutely necessary! 

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