[Oasfaa] OKPromise Eligibility Report programming update coming

Alexander, Carol calexander at osrhe.edu
Tue Oct 16 12:07:24 CDT 2012

As you are aware, one of the recent changes to Oklahoma's Promise is a minimum college GPA requirement which goes into effect beginning with the fall 2012 semester.  This requirement will affect students graduating high school in 2012 and thereafter.  For details of this requirement, you might be interested in reading Q&A #1 on the FAQ for College Students (http://www.okhighered.org/okpromise/college-faq.shtml#1).  There is a lot of information including the rules as well as examples at the end.  The examples will not fit every student's situation, however we think it might be helpful in putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  The first check will be at the end of the semester in which the student earns their 60th hour.  We don't anticipate that this will apply to very many students at the end of this semester, however it is possible especially if you have a student who graduated in 2012 and has a number of concurrent and AP credits.

As I mentioned before, this particular requirement begins with the high school graduating class of 2012, so in order to help identify the students who will be subject to the minimum college GPA, we will be implementing an update to the OKPromise Eligibility Report.  If you have programming that runs automated checks against the eligibility report, you will need to let your programmers know about this important update as they will need to modify their programs.   This update will go into effect Monday, October 29, 2012.  We have added the high school grad year to the end of the student information line.  If you type in an individual student or run your own list for eligibility, you will see something like this for an eligible student:

xxx-xx-1234        Eligible : Expiration Date - 07/31/2017 Marshall - Date Enrolled - 03/29/2009 - HS Grad Year:  2012

(defined as:  The student is eligible for OKP with a 5-yr expiration date of 7/31/2017; last name is Marshall; student enrolled in OKP on 3/29/2009 (students who enrolled after 7/2/07 must be lawfully present to receive the award) and the HS Grad Year is 2012 (new field indicating the student is subject to the minimum GPA requirement)).

The information below should be forwarded on to your programmer for those of you with automated checks.

Forward this message now, so you don't forget!  If you are not a programmer, you can stop reading.  :)

Changes to the Oklahoma's Promise Eligibility Check Web Site
To facilitate the GPA check required by the Legislature, we've added a data field for the student's High School Graduation Year.

This new information has been added to the following areas in the Oklahoma's Promise Eligibility Check Web Site and will go into effect Monday, October 29, 2012:
- online query
- text (.TXT) file match
- spreadsheet (.XLS) file match

For the online query, the value for High School Grad Year will simply be appended to the query result (i.e. - HS Grad 2012).

For the text (.TXT) file match, the file remains a delimited text file, pipe (|) delimiter, with 2 fields added at the end.  The first field added is just a label field and is always "HS GRAD :".  The second field added is the data field and is 4 characters such as "2012".

For the spreadsheet (.XLS) file match, 2 additional columns (to the right) are populated.  The first column added is just a label and is always "HS GRAD :".  The second column added is the data field and contains a value such as "2012".

Carol Alexander
Scholarship Coordinator
Oklahoma's Promise
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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