[Oasfaa] FW: SWASFAA Survey Distribution

Susan Prater SPrater4 at uco.edu
Mon Mar 4 13:34:41 CST 2013

Good Morning,

I hope your spring term is going well. These are interesting times to be in our industry and I know that each of you is working hard to provide your students with accurate information and high quality customer service.  Likewise, SWASFAA works hard to bring our members resources to make that will improve their effectiveness. We are always looking for ways to improve those resources and services.

In order to help ensure that we are providing you with the tools you need we have created a short survey. This survey will take approximately ten minutes to complete.  The survey is designed for both current SWASFAA members as well as those who have been SWASFAA members in the past but have not renewed their membership for one or more years. We truly value your input.

In our efforts to reach as many individuals as possible we are sending this letter through a number of different channels. We ask that you only complete the survey one time.
The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2013SWASFAAMembershipSurvey

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.

Thank You,

Scott DeBoard
SWASFAA Membership Committee Chair
sideboard at ocap.org<mailto:sideboard at ocap.org>

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