[Oasfaa] FW: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] SWASFAA Updates

Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC) Mendy-Schmerer at ouhsc.edu
Mon Aug 11 09:56:41 CDT 2014

I hope everyone saw this last week.  If you haven't yet subscribed to the SWASFAA blog, http://swasfaa.org/b/, it's a great way to stay current on all the happenings with SWASFAA.

Conference, Boot Camp, and Leadership Workshop registration is now open!  http://www.swasfaa.org/docs/conferences/site/index.html 

Good luck, everyone, as the Fall semster gets into full swing!

-----Original Message-----
From: SWASFAA Team Chatter [mailto:blog at swasfaa.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 9:28 AM
To: Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC)
Subject: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] SWASFAA Updates

SWASFAA Team Chatter has posted a new item, 'SWASFAA Updates'

Greetings! I want to take a few minutes to update everyone on what’s going on in the SWASFAA-verse. I'll try to make it quick so you can get back to preparing for the Fall semester.

First, registration for the conference, boot camp, and the leadership workshop is now open. You can register for these events and reserve your hotel room at the conference mini-site. We’ll send out lots more information about these events in the coming months, so stay tuned.

Each year SWASFAA makes a certain number of Logan Ware Scholarships available to assist with the cost of professional growth and development. This scholarship covers the registration fees and up to two nights of lodging expenses for the conference or boot camp. We try to award this scholarship to one person per state.   If you are interested in applying for the Logan Ware Scholarship, we will make the application available on the SWASFAA listserv.

Next, I wanted to let you know that our upcoming election is coming soon. We will be voting on the officers for the next President Elect and Delegates-at-Large for Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico. These officers will be instated in January 2015. The delegates each serve two-year terms, and the President Elect will assume the presidency in 2016. I know the election will lead to some questions about how to update the SWASFAA membership database with the correct voting member for each school. This has confused some people in the past, so I will dedicate an entire blog post to that topic in the near future.

Finally, I want to update everyone on some changes to the SWASFAA leadership for 2015. We recently had a vacancy in the 2014 President Elect position. The bylaws of the association state that in the case of a vacancy, the board must vote on someone to fill the position. Since we are only a few months from transitioning to the new officers, the board voted to leave Lisa Hopper and me in our current positions as Past President and President for an additional year. This will help ensure continuity with the various projects that are in the pipeline. We are very excited about all the things on the horizon, and both Lisa and I are honored to have the opportunity to serve again next year.

I hope everyone out there is surviving the insanity of August. Hang in there! It will be over before we know it, and we can celebrate the end of another peak season at the SWASFAA Conference in New Orleans!

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