[Oasfaa] FW: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] Reason #17 to Attend the SWASFAA Conference in New Mexico

Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC) Mendy-Schmerer at ouhsc.edu
Thu May 7 10:06:14 CDT 2015

So who is planning on adding some extra days to their SWASFAA trip to Albuquerque?  Taos sounds fantastic!

Mendy Schmerer, M.Ed.
Assistant Director
Office of Student Financial Aid
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1106 N. Stonewall, Rm 301
Oklahoma City, OK  73117
(405) 271-2118, x 48817 (p)
(405) 271-5446 (f)
Mendy-Schmerer at ouhsc.edu 

 Become our fan on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/OUHSCFinancialAid 

-----Original Message-----
From: SWASFAA Team Chatter [mailto:blog at swasfaa.org] 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 9:23 AM
To: Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC)
Subject: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] Reason #17 to Attend the SWASFAA Conference in New Mexico

SWASFAA Team Chatter has posted a new item, 'Reason #17 to Attend the SWASFAA Conference in New Mexico'

Beautiful Taos, NM was established in 1615 after the Spanish conquest of the Pueblo villages, including Taos Pueblo, which was built between 1000 and 1450, the oldest continuously inhabited community in North America.

Taos is currently celebrating hundreds of years of milestones, one of which includes the Spanish Colonization of the Taos Plaza 400 years ago.  During a live concert the mayor proclaimed it “El Corazon de Taos,” the heart of the community. (taos.org) Taos is nestled in the center of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains offering a wide range of spectacular views.  2015 is a great year for Taos, recognizing the many years of culture and progression with 200 years since the completion of the San Francisco de Asis Church (1815); 100 years since the founding of the Taos Society of Artists; 50 years since the Dedications of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge (1963); 60th season opening of the Taos Ski Valley (Taos is one of the 25 world’s best ski towns), also introducing the new Kachina Peak lift, now the highest chairlift in North America with a 12,450 foot summit.

Visiting New Mexico should always include a trip north to Taos.  Drink in the culture, tradition, and beauty.  Listen for the Taos hum. Please click the Taos websites for more information: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__taos.org&d=AwIDaQ&c=qRnFByZajCb3ogDwk-HidsbrxD-31vTsTBEIa6TCCEk&r=-Lnq0C7sCiFyP0whbJJ3dxf5JnVjhYZXejVPgZDRGLk&m=7JEhafCsawHUacCC_oR7IkwHOjmE_IDKNABaIRIrT18&s=RPfJ1GFIPwOO9JkYs4kotkxRa_WayVkv7Qx--q8KYQk&e=


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