[Oasfaa] Going to DC...

Jonna Raney jonna.raney at okbu.edu
Thu Feb 4 09:43:08 CST 2016

Alicia Smith and I will attend the NASFAA Leadership conference later this month. Part of that conference involves visits to the hill to meet with Oklahoma congressmen and senators. 

We have appointments with Congressman Russell, and Senators Lankford and Inhoff. We are there to represent OASFAA so we'd like to hear from you if there are specific things you think we need to discuss with them. I had to submit topics to them in advance and submitted the following topics: 

One Loan, One Grant (What does that look like to them?) 
Increasing Stafford annual and aggregate limits (As other aid has decreased, these limits need to be raised as well (my opinion). 
Perkins (I want to explain that the extension was too little too late as many schools believed them when they said it was ending, so they spent their cash on hand funds and therefore, have little to award for the next two years.) 

If you think of additional topics, or opinions about those topics, that you'd like discussed, please let us know. 

I will send a summary of our visits when we get back. 

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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