[Oasfaa] Parents married?

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Thu May 31 14:57:54 CDT 2018

I'm finding many students that still struggle with the parent's marital status. I'm finding them by running a report of those that show divorced/separated but filed married joint or married separate returns.

I know this can happen, but when the divorce/separation date is 2005, I find that they answered the question based on the biological parents but the custodial is remarried. In most cases, I think it's an honest error but then the income questions only ask for one parent's income info so they usually qualify for more aid than they should.

I have 78 students on the report that I ran today. My question is, are any of you researching, institutionally selecting, or otherwise trying to resolve what I consider to be conflicting info? It's time consuming and of course, makes you the "bad school" if other schools don't resolve it, but I feel like it should be looked at to protect tax dollars for which these students are not eligible.

What do you think? no judgment...just asking. 😊

[Oklahoma Baptist University]
Jonna Raney

Director of Student Financial Services

Oklahoma Baptist University

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