[Oasfaa] Info from NASFAA

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Fri Feb 14 08:52:53 CST 2020

Hello all!

I typically listen to the podcasts on NASFAA, but today's is really full of a lot of info that you will be interested in. You don't need a NASFAA login to listen to them, so I would encourage everyone to make time each week to listen.

This week is about President Trump's budget proposal (don't get too worked up because there's a slim to no chance that Dems and Republicans will agree on anything in it), the Student Loan Acknowledgment requirement for 2020-21 and what that could mean to schools that have direct loans, discussion about the income-driven repayment plans, etc.

Fair warning, a lot of the comments/discussions are opinions from Justin Draeger and his staff. You may not agree with their assessment and interpretation of things, but it does give us good info on what is happening in DC.

Here's the link to this week's podcast. Enjoy!  https://www.nasfaa.org/off_the_cuff_ep135
Episode 135: Trump’s 2021 Budget and Its Implications for Loan Limits<https://www.nasfaa.org/off_the_cuff_ep135>
The group dives into President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal released earlier in the week, and break down its intentions for setting borrowing limits.

[Oklahoma Baptist University]
Jonna Raney

Director of Student Financial Services

Oklahoma Baptist University

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