[Oasfaa] Balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts

Tirzah G. Knight tknight at okwu.edu
Tue Jul 26 15:42:30 CDT 2022


I'm wondering how you and your institution read the "As of today, what is your parents' total current balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts? Don't include student financial aid." question on the FAFSA.

Do you take it literally or do you qualify it with "the amount that is set aside for educational expenses"?

We have a family who has money set aside to purchase a house. They have more than one child in college, and the other institution has advised them to change the amount reported, so I wanted to see what the industry standard is.


Tirzah Knight
Director of Financial Aid
Student Services Office
o: 918.335.6252  |  f: 918.335.6252

Oklahoma Wesleyan University
2201 Silver Lake Road, Bartlesville, OK 74006

Summer Office Hours:

  *   Monday-Thursday: 8 am to 5 pm
  *   Friday: 8 am to 2 pm

OKWU Eagles Reminders:

  *   Complete your 22-23 FAFSA<StudentAid.gov>
  *   Review your aid offer & missing docs in the FA portal<FinAidApply.okwu.edu>
  *   Send us your documents by taking a picture and using OKWU Upload<https://www.okwu.edu/upload/>. We cannot accept emailed documents.
  *   Financial Aid FAQs<https://www.okwu.edu/admissions/financial-aid/faq/>
  *   Need more help? Send me an email, and I am happy to call, Zoom, or text.

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