[Oasfaa] OETA Letter Again

Mc Conahay, Pamela K pmcconahay at ou.edu
Fri Jan 4 09:24:39 CST 2002

The letter Katherine is trying to send us is a Word mail merge
letter.   If you have someone in your office who does word processing
and sends out batches of customized merged letters, I suggest you 
corral that person and have them with you when you try to open the

If you don't have a smart word processor and have to do this all by
your lonesome, here are some tips:

When you click on the Word document icon, you will get
a box telling you this is a mailmerge document that cannot find
its "data source" and gives you a choice of "find data source" or
"options".  Click on "options"....you then get a choice of "remove 
data/header information" or "remove all mailmerge information". (Don't
bother to try to find the data source, it's on Katherine's computer and
you can't reach it.)

If you click on "remove data/header information", the letter is opened
as a standard mailmerge letter but it does not "hang up" looking for
the mailing list that Katherine used to do her mailing.  You can 
then substitute your own mailing list and do a mail merge using her letter.

If you click on "remove all mailmerge information", the letter converts
into a standard Word document where each individual recipient name, address,
etc. is entered.  

If you're not using MS Word, then lord knows I can't help you because Word
all I ever learned. 

Pam McConahay
Asst Dir., Compliance & Support Svcs
University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
731 Elm, Rm 125, Norman OK 73019-2111
(405) 325-4617, fax (405) 325-7608
pmcconahay at ou.edu 

-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine Benton [mailto:benton_k at ssc.cc.ok.us]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 8:54 AM
To: oasfaa at onenet.net
Subject: [Oasfaa] OETA Letter Again

Thank you Tammy Higgins!

I have finally realized the problem on the letter and will try this ONE 
more time!


Katherine Benton
Director of Enrollment Management
Seminole State College
benton_k at ssc.cc.ok.us

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