[Oasfaa] Cash for College - OETA Program

Katherine Benton benton_k at ssc.cc.ok.us
Tue Jan 22 12:58:33 CST 2002

OASFAA Membership:

We have had a successful program by all measurements with Cash 
for College on OETA, January 17th!

Here are the STATS:  during the 58 minutes of programing there 
were #401 phone calls answered, with an additional 36 phone calls 
after the show ended for a total of #437 phone calls answered!

On average:  an individual on the phone bank handled 16.7 phone 
calls each and the average call lasted approximately 3.5 minutes 

The Nielsen rating for the program was an overall 2.9 rating for the 4 
quarter hours - the 1st quarter hour was the highest with a 3.2 
rating.  We're told this is excellent!

Many thanks to all who participated!  We have a great professional 
group of individuals!

NOW - for comments:  Please let me know your suggestions on the 
following in relation to the Cash for College program (an evaluation, 
if you will).

How could more volunteers have been available on the phone 

What information provided would you change/add?

Other comments/suggestions....

Again, many thanks to ALL who participated and the many others 
that offered support!


Katherine Benton
Director of Enrollment Management
Seminole State College
benton_k at ssc.cc.ok.us

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