[OKAIRP] Fall 2010 conference wrap-up and items for the membership

Troy Milligan milligant at redlandscc.edu
Mon Oct 18 14:17:45 CDT 2010

Congratulations to the team from OSU-OKC and their chair (and OKAIRP Board member), Kristi John, for putting together a great package for us while we were there for our fall 2010 conference.  Thank you to all of the OKAIRP members in attendance and for all of the valuable feedback we received through the business meeting discussions and the conference evaluations.  Most especially, thanks to all of our presenters who gave of their time at the conference.  A few announcements for all...

Ø  The official name for the organization is now 'Oklahoma Association for Institutional Research', aka OKAIR, bringing us in line with the naming convention of our nearby state, regional, and national groups.  Stay tuned for logo, website, and other related updates.

Ø  Congratulations to Susy Jorgenson and David Swingle on their election to the OKAIR Board of Directors.

Ø  THANK YOU to everyone who filled out a conference evaluation - your feedback is reviewed and taken into consideration.  See below for responses to some of the items discussed in the evaluations.

o   Food - this area is an ever-increasing portion of hosting a conference.  The Board tries to select a food plan for the day that keeps costs down, so we don't have to increase the registration cost in light of the funding issues facing our membership.  We did respond to prior comments and added the continental breakfast in lieu of the morning break; however, fresh fruit would have added to the cost of the food.  Adding a dessert to lunch, would have also added to the cost; the Board elected to have dessert (cookies) for the afternoon break.

o   Assessment presentations - we continue to have requests for additional assessment sessions.  The problem is that no one submits a proposal to present assessment-related topics.  The Board created a session, which was the assessment panel this year, to respond to these requests, but again, no one assessment-related topics were submitted when the call for proposals went out.  If you want to see assessment presentations, please submit a proposal or have a colleague submit a proposal for a presentation when the call goes out.

o   Congratulations to everyone who presented...we had no less than an average score of 4.4 out of 5 for any of the sessions, with three sessions scoring a 4.9 average!

Ø  Funding - With limited funding (OKAIR is almost completely funded by conference registrations), it is difficult to develop a presentation program that allows us the flexibility for scheduling in-state or out-of-state speakers who charge for their services.  The Board relies and is very thankful for the volunteer presenters that freely give of their time to OKAIR.  Something I would like for you all to keep in the back of your mind is whether or not we should increase the registration fee.  I would like to bring this item to a vote of the membership at our spring conference.

Ø  Don't forget to turn in your invoices to your accounts payable department so OKAIR can be paid.  Because the name change did not occur until the conference, payment for fall conference fees to OKAIRP will still be accepted.

Ø  The next conference date is set - mark your calendars for April 1, 2011 to attend the Spring 2011 Conference at Rose State College in Midwest City.  In response to these economic times and many member requests, OKAIR is trying to schedule the conferences in a more central location to all of the membership, e.g. Oklahoma City and surrounding communities.  I am in negotiations with a potential host for the Fall 2011 conference.  If you are interested in hosting OKAIR on your campus, please contact me.  We could even possibly work out an arrangement that an Oklahoma City area college co-hosts the OKAIR conference with a college outside of the OKC area.

And, finally, thank you to the OKAIR Board of Directors - without the hard work and dedication they put in, my job would be much more difficult.  As before, my email box and my phone are always open.


Troy Milligan

Director of Institutional Research
Redlands Community College
1300 S. Country Club Road
El Reno, OK 73036
Web: www.redlandscc.edu<http://www.redlandscc.edu/>

Member, 2010 - 2013
POISE/PX Users Group
Web: www.puginc.org<http://www.puginc.org/>

President, 2009 - 2012
Oklahoma Association for Institutional Research (OKAIR)
Web: www.okairp.org<http://www.okairp.org/>

Office: 405.422.1206
Fax: 405.422.1204


Redlands Community College provides a learner-centered environment committed to academic excellence strengthened through service and civic engagement.
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