[Okepas] PLAN for 2007-2008

Johnson, Risa rjohnson at osrhe.edu
Fri Jun 8 15:45:57 CDT 2007

EPAS Contacts:


We have received numerous calls from you expressing concerns about
ordering PLAN for 2007-2008.  We have been in touch with ACT.    In
addition to timing problems (Most of you are already "off the clock" or
soon will be.),

there are some issues with the vendor managing the ordering site.   ACT
is working on these, and has listened to our concerns about the timing.
They have set a June 8  target date for getting good PLAN ordering
information out.   However, we understand that it is already late for
most of you.   


ACT is prepared to take registration in August.   You will be able to
get your numbers in and receive your test materials in  plenty of time
to stay within the testing window.


We apologize for  the confusion.   We want to get the ordering completed
and test as many students as possible.   But we do NOT want you to spend
your summer break worrying about it!   If you can check your school
e-mail from home, watch for updates from us.   If you don't check e-mail
again until August, then look for  them when you return to school and
know that you will be able to order and test on time.


Thanks for all you do!


The EPAS Team


Cindy Brown/Director   cbrown at osrhe.edu   405.225.9100

Risa Johnson/Staff Assistant    rjohnson at osrhe.edu    405.225.9228

Matt Higdon/Field Coordinator   mhigdon at osrhe.edu   405.517.0301

Cari Lousch/Field Coordinator   clousch at osrhe.edu       918.813.3199




Risa Johnson | Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education| Phone:
405.225.9228 | Fax: 405.225.9230 


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