[Okepas] Summer Academies

Brown, Cynthia cbrown at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 13 17:03:20 CDT 2007

Please post the Summer Academies Poster and bring it to the attention of
students and parents.
34 FREE Summer Academies will be held this summer at different Oklahoma
colleges and universities.  These math, science and technology academies
are for Oklahoma residents who will be entering the 8th - 12th grades in
the fall 2007.  Highlights and subject areas from some of the academies
include:  breaking a secret code, using DNA to solve a crime, making new
friends, exploring a college campus, aerospace, architecture, plant
biology, biotechnology, engineering, robots, health science, forensics,
veterinary medicine, and more!
To obtain general information as well as contact information about each
academy, the students may visit our web site:  www.okhighered.org.  The
information may be found at
.shtml . 
If unable to access the Internet, students, parents, or teachers may
call 1-800-858-1840 for information to be mailed.  Encourage your
students to APPLY EARLY because these academies fill up fast.
Thank you for your assistance in sharing the information about these
Summer Academies.
Cynthia N. Brown, Ed.D.
Senior Coordinator for Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
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