[Okepas] State Regents' Oklahoma EPAS Scholars Recognition Program 2010

Brown, Cynthia (OSRHE) cbrown at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 9 15:19:20 CST 2010

Oklahoma Colleagues:
Oklahoma EPAS Scholars 2010, now in its tenth year, is a State Regents'
program aimed at recognizing students for their collegiate preparedness
as early as the eighth grade.  We encourage you to consider the delivery
of these certificates at a special event in your school-either by giving
them as part of your awards ceremonies this spring, or through other
special venues.  
The mailing should be arriving by the end of March from ACT.  We have
asked ACT to address the mailing to the person who was listed as the
EPAS Contact for this year's EXPLORE and PLAN assessment materials.
*        PLEASE NOTE:  We are not printing the certificates this year.
A black line master will be enclosed in this mailing for your use.  If
you would prefer to have the electronic version of the certificate along
with the electronic file of your roster and specific instructions for
doing a merge function just email us and ask for it: epas at osrhe.edu
<mailto:epas at oshr.edu> .  Please do not email me as it will delay your
This year's Oklahoma EPAS Scholars' roster includes your students who
scored at or above the College Readiness Benchmark in any subject area
on the EXPLORE or PLAN test. These scores indicate whether students,
based on their performance on EXPLORE or PLAN are on target to be ready
for first-year college-level work when they graduate from high school.
The College Readiness Benchmarks for the subject areas are:

EXPLORE                         PLAN
            English                                                  13
            Mathematics                                        17
            Reading                                                15
            Science                                                 20
Thank you for your support of students through EPAS and for your
leadership on your campus.   
Cynthia Brown, Ed.D.
Director of Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
"What if we had fail-safe schools that treated the failure of a single
child as equally tragic as a nuclear meltdown, chemical spill, or an
airplane crash?"
"Three Musts for Bolstering Student Achievement" by Vicki Urquhart in
Changing Schools, Summer 2008 (Vol. 58, p. 1-2)
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