[Okepas] ACT Professional Development Workshops

Nelson, Lisa lnelson at osrhe.edu
Mon Oct 2 14:48:21 CDT 2017

Register today<http://mkto-ab080206.com/z0Sj09Z0009ZlJMbESP0R00> for ACT Oklahoma Regional Professional Development Workshops! Bring your team!
ACT is pleased to offer Oklahoma educators and administrators FREE half-day workshops throughout the state. Two workshops are being offered:

  *   Morning Workshop
Tools of the Trade: Instructional Strategies that Support Rigorous and Relevant Learning, is designed to help classroom teachers and interested administrators increase the rigor and relevance of classroom instruction. Participants will reflect on rigor and relevance as it applies to the four core content areas (English, mathematics, science, and social studies). Many instructional strategies will be modeled throughout the session as participants learn how rigor is reflected in classroom activities, student assignments, and in-class assessments. Participants will leave with a valuable compendium of research-based instructional strategies to apply to their classrooms.
Who should attend the morning workshop? Secondary core-content teachers and administrators interested in embedding rigor and relevance in the classroom.

  *   Afternoon Workshop
Diving into Data and Personalizing Instruction: Strategies for ACT Data Interpretation and Resources for Personalized Instruction, is designed to help administrators use ACT data and personalized instructional resources to enable students and schools to succeed. This workshop will demonstrate methods for developing a deeper understanding and use of ACT data for school improvement, and review resources that enable instruction. Participants will leave with a valuable collection of tools and techniques to apply within their school or across their district.
Who should attend the afternoon workshop? School administrators such as principals, department heads, curriculum directors, and district administrators.
Each workshop is limited to 50 participants per session, so sign up quickly. Please register for both the morning and afternoon workshops if you want to attend both.
If you have any questions, please contact amy.putty at act.org<mailto:amy.putty at act.org>
We hope to see you at the workshop!

Tony Cortez
Account Executive

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(c) 2017 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved.
500 ACT Drive, Iowa City, Iowa 52243
View as webpage here.<https://pages2.act.org/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpoaE9HUXhObU5pTkRGayIsInQiOiJKRGFTNVMrZW5rV3hGS0xockV5ZnFteFd5T0hHWVRtNS9KRStqSkJWSTBqL2Rld05ENXdvKzNJcitvdUs3NHNGejRJWlNqRklWZCtuUkRxT1ZNVDVPYjB3ZWErV0R0YXBpcWlHRCs2ZlQwN1haREY1R3JFSHd0TkhITnFTaG8rSSJ9>

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