[Sa-rfp] Needed: Summer Academy outcomes

Brown, Cynthia cbrown at osrhe.edu
Tue Aug 30 10:18:36 CDT 2005

Summer Academy Friends,


As the Chancellor and Chancellor's Council prepare for the next
legislative session and the concomitant funding requests, I am hearing
questions such as:

*	What evidence do we have that the Summer Academies make a
difference in college going, college success and career choices?
*	Don't most of those kids go out-of-state to college?
*	Isn't this something the colleges and universities need to pay
for rather than the State Regents?
*	Etc.


In other words, Summer Academies are not being supported by high level
Regents' staff which spells big trouble for us.


So, I'm asking for your assistance.  If you have data related to
long-term outcomes, please share it with me.  What I really need are
hard, cold numbers.  I already have tons of student and parent comments
from our earlier efforts, so don't send any more of that UNLESS it is a
real success story beyond high school or possibly a turn-around for a
kid in high school.  Of particular interest would be
underserved/underrepresented populations including economically
disadvantaged, ethnic minority, females, small rural school etc. 


Please try to get the information to me by mid-September.  And please
know that I have very limited staff support so send your information in
a very concise format.





Cynthia Brown, Ed.D.

Director of Student Preparation

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


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