[Sa-rfp] Summer Academy conference & questions

Brown, Cynthia cbrown at osrhe.edu
Thu Sep 13 11:39:00 CDT 2007

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the videoconference was
not archived as we had planned and promised.  We are sending the
powerpoint presentation along with the Questions and Answers to you and
hope you find them helpful.
If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to send them to me.
I'll extent the last day for questions to Friday, September 21.  I will
be traveling most of the next 10 days but will keep up with my email as
much as possible.
For this time period, send your questions directly to me at
cbrown at osrhe.edu
2008 Summer Academy Questions
1.  If you plan to serve a certain number of students, but you don't get
as many students as you stated in proposal, will the funding be reduced?
This has happened in the past.  We understand that you must hire staff
and purchase supplies for the number you expect so we will not reduce
your total funding.  If there is a large discrepancy between planned
number and actual number for a 2nd year, your continued funding could be
in jeopardy.
2.  What can you ask on the application concerning citizenship?
          A Supreme Court case decided June 1982, Plyler v. Doe, found
that K-12 students were guaranteed an education regardless of their
status.  Even though we are higher education institutions, we are
offering services to middle school and high school students and they
must be offered without prejudice according to the Equal Protection
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
3.  You are not ranking the grants beside each other but beside the
qualifications, correct?
          Yes, the reviewers will use the rubric included in the RFP,
Appendix B.
4.  Evaluating at the end of the program, are we asking if we are
serving low income?
No, we have not asked that in the past.
5.  Can you ask for income on your application?
You can give ranges such as the ACT does and have them indicate the
range their family might fall into.
6.  Can you ask if they are first generations?  
Yes, you will need to be clear what you mean with that.
7.  Have there been partnerships to help with transportation? 
 We don't know of any, but you are more than welcomed, but you can be
limits on your community.
8.  Can you limit your academy to a region of the state?
 No, you may recruit in a region but you cannot eliminate students
because they don't live in your region.
9.  The programs are for three years, correct? 
Yes, assuming continued funding and demonstrated success.
10.  Is the money requested in the proposal annually? 
11.  Is the budget sheet as specific as you want it or do we need a more
detailed budget?
          No, the budget does not need to be more detailed.
12.  Are you requesting a budget narrative?
          No.  If we have questions about your budget, we will ask.
13.  Are there any salary guidelines?
          No, but the reviewers may be critical if salaries make up too
great a percent of your budget.
14.  Is there an age range?
Rising 8th grade to rising 12th grade.
13.  Home school student - If parent stated they are 8th grade, but they
are younger than the average 8th graders, can they be accepted?  
We'll leave that to your discretion.
14.  Could you design your Summer Academy so that one group of students
can go through the Summer Academy all three years?
          We haven't done this in the past; but it hasn't been asked
before.  We can consider it, if you want to pursue this idea, please
email Dr. Brown at cbrown at osrhe.edu.
15.  If you need to move money from one line item to another, would it
be a problem?
          Just email Cindy Brown with information on the change and why
it is needed.
16.  Could the Summer Academy be planned as three different types of
activities for each year?
          Yes, this hasn't been done before that we know of but we don't
have a prohibition against it.  Be sure to explain it clearly in your
17.  If you have not identified a K-12 person, does that take you out of
the award?
          No, but make sure you tell us you are searching for one.
18.  Does have a duplicate academy hurt or help your chances?
          I can't say that it has either effect.  One doesn't always
know what enters into the thinking of our reviewers.
19.  Do you have to identify your staff or teachers in your proposal?
          No, be sure to include the qualifications for your staff
20.  If the application states that the student/parent will be surveyed,
do you need an IRB?
          This is an institutional issue, talk with your IRB Committee
21.  Should an example of the application be sent?
          No, but we suggest that someone in your legal department look
it over.
These questions have been received since the Videoconference.
1. Are incentives required?  Will our application be competitive without
including incentives in the budget?
They not required at all; should make no difference in competitiveness
2.  Where on the budget template do we include lodging and meals for
staff and mentors?
       Let's put those in item 8 - Other Contractual & Other Current
3.  Would a random selection be appropriate for student selection? For
example assigning a number to each application and selecting
applications randomly for a list of numbers.
We do have one academy that has used that for more than ten years.  That
approach is fine.
4.  I'm not quite sure what the RFP means when it states that funding is
limited to two FTE student weeks.  Our Academy is now four weeks long
(four one-week sessions).  In the past it was a four week session, but
was changed two years ago to the four one-week sessions.  Does the RFP
mean that Field Studies can only be two weeks long?  If so is it two
one-week sessions or can it be a two-week session.  I was hoping we
could do two two-week sessions for Field Studies as they have been
trying to put four weeks of work into a one week session since it
changed.  On the student evaluations they always say one week just isn't
long enough.
You can have a two-week session.  You actually could have multiple
two-week sessions.  It just means that when allowable funding is
figured, we would multiply the number of students you plan to serve
times the $600 for residential times the 1 or 2 weeks or it can even be
1 week and a part of a 2nd week such as 1.3 student FTE x $600 = $780
per student. 
5. Is there a limit on the number of students we are allowed to serve? 
6.  Is there a limit to the number of proposals from one institution?
No, all proposals are competing against all other proposals equally.
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