[Cobo] Salary Schedule

Bruce Wiese bwiese at western.cc.ok.us
Mon May 21 16:26:53 CDT 2001

Hello Business Officers,

I would like to know which institutions have some kind of a salary scale or 
schedule for Staff, Faculty or Professional.  We have a staff and a faculty 
scale but not a professional.

Please let me know if you use one.

I plan to call a few of you that have a scale to get some advise.  My 
dilemma is that I want to give an across the board percentage increase but 
I cannot apply it to the scale without it being an average.  We have $200 
steps for staff and $300 for faculty.  Part of my problem is that we have 
been two years with no raises and i need to apply those steps first.  I 
need a math person on this one.


Bruce Wiese, WOSC

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