[Cobo] San Antonio Workshops - Time is Short

David Bosserman afinvpc at okstate.edu
Tue Feb 5 11:07:03 CST 2002

I hope this finds you well; with power back on after the ice storm; and, 
with a snow cover that is beautiful to look at, but not hazardous.

You should have received a Brochure from SACUBO for two concurrent 
workshops in San Antonio on March 4, 2002.  The workshops are:

GASB:  Lessons Learned.  This workshop is intended to update the student on GASB regulations for 
reporting under GASB Statements 34 and 35 as amended, followed by a 
presentation by Oklahoma State University concerning lessons learned 
during their implementation of GASB 34 and 35 as amended.  No 
prerequisites or advanced preparation is necessary.


Crisis Management: Campus Stopping Events.  This one-day session explores the lessons learned from campuses where 
major disruptions caused by earthquakes, fires or major violence have 
forced campus-wide closures or immediate police action.  It will also 
provide you with an opportunity to review, discuss and leave the workshop 
with a sample crisis management plan.   This session is also designed to 
help administrators prepare to manage the physical challenges posed by 
different kinds of emergencies, to establish effective communications with 
those on and off campus during the emergencies, to restore normal 
functioning as soon as possible, and to deal with the long-lasting 
psychological impact of such campus-stopping events.  No prerequisites or 
advance preparation is necessary.

While we in Oklahoma have already implemented GASB 34/35, the GASB: 
Lessons Learned workshop is an excellent vehicle for any new 
accountants/financial assistants on your staff who will be working with 
your Financial Statements preparation team this year.  It will train them 
about GASB requirements and then about implementation issues.

The concurrent workshop, Crisis Management: Campus Stopping Events is a 
timely and essential workshop for you, your campus security chief, and 
your physical plant director and his/her staff.  Last year, OSU had a 
campus-stopping event, and we had to learn from scratch about what to do 
and how to handle a myriad of issues.  This workshop will take you and 
your staff through the various actions needed when a campus-stopping event 
occurs.  No one expects to have a campus-stopping event, but it could 
happen at any time. 

I recommend these workshops to you and request you give serious 
consideration to attending, yourself, and sending key members of your 
staff.  To the best of my knowledge, this is the only time the Crisis 
Management workshop will be offered close to Oklahoma this year, and I 
have seen no plans for offering the GASB session in the immediate future.

If you need further information or want to register on-line, please go to www.sacubo.org.  If I can answer any questions concerning these workshops, please do not 
hesitate to contact me.

Warmest Personal Regards

David C. Bosserman
Associate Vice President and Controller
Room 208, Whitehurst
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

405-744-5187 FAX

You will find true success in those efforts that captivate your heart and 
soul.  Belief fuels passion, and passion rarely fails.
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