[Cobo] FW: Bonded Indebtedness Request

Gold, Sheri sgold at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 26 16:27:12 CST 2002

Please be reminded that your information is needed by March 27th.  There are approximately ten institutions that have not yet responded.

Also, we would like for those institutions who have debt financed through a third-party to also send a list of those projects and the same information as those reported on the attached sheet.  If you have questions regarding the third-party financing projects, please call.

We have the information on the 1998 OCIA Bond issue.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Gold, Sheri  
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:28 AM
> To:	COBO (E-mail)
> Subject:	Bonded Indebtedness Request
> Please open the attached worksheet and find your institution's listing of Bonded Indebtedness.  This list has been compiled from the SRA-6 and the audited financial statements.  We are asking that you incorporate the information in the last two columns. (Columns G and H)  The information needed includes the year the debt is scheduled to be paid off and then the source of funding (be specific) being dedicated to pay down the debt service. (As an example, if you are dedicating $2.30 of your student activity fee and $1.50 of perhaps the student technology fee, please list each fee and the amount dedicated for each issue.)  
> If you find that you have bond issues that have been left off the listing and/or some that should be deleted, please indicate that in your response as well.
> This information is needed by March 27th.  If you have questions, please call us.  Thanks.
> >  <<FY01bonddebtdetail.xls>> 
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