[Cobo] Holders of Endowed Chairs FY 2002 Report

Cunningham, Sandy scunningham at osrhe.edu
Thu Sep 19 10:53:38 CDT 2002

	Attached is the URL link to the form necessary to complete the "Holders of Endowed Chairs Report" for FY 2002.  This is the first year we are using the web-based system rather than the old paper system.  Please distribute this link to the appropriate office and/or staff responsible for completing this report.  The deadline for completion and submission is 5:00 p.m. Thursday, October 31, 2002.  If you have any questions,  please contact me at scunningham at osrhe.edu or at the phone number listed below.  


	Sandy Cunningham
	Coordinator of Economic Development
	Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
	655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
	Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73104
	(405) 225-9127
	(405) 225-9230 (fax)
	scunningham at osrhe.edu

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