[Cobo] FW: September 5 Technical Open Forum Change, One Session at 10:00 am

LeFlore, Bobby bleflore at osrhe.edu
Tue Aug 26 10:00:29 CDT 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie.Dvorak at osf.state.ok.us [mailto:Julie.Dvorak at osf.state.ok.us]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:46 AM
To: mspears at odva.state.ok.us; cgray at drs.state.ok.us;
nfiltz at okcareertech.org; garciaa at ohca.state.ok.us;
phil.motley at okdhs.org; tom.james at doc.state.ok.us;
dennisj at health.state.ok.us; s_slater at ocmeokc.state.ok.us;
mpatterson at odot.org; ron_s at compsourceok.com; rgarner at odmhsas.org;
jburton at dps.state.ok.us; Stan_VanOstran at dcs.state.ok.us;
bob.zapffe at doc.state.ok.us; cateb at odawan.net;
Kent_Tippen at sde.state.ok.us; msturgess at odwc.state.ok.us;
rayh at health.state.ok.us; d_leftwich at ocmeokc.state.ok.us;
blawrence at odot.org; jhazeldine at odot.org; dave_b at compsourceok.com;
lfortelney at odmhsas.org; bkoehn at otrd.state.ok.us;
lmorton at dps.state.ok.us; sdiffee at odva.state.ok.us;
rhulin at oktax.state.ok.us; pkland at drs.state.ok.us;
jmurphy at drs.state.ok.us; jaulg at okcareertech.org;
evansc at ohca.state.ok.us; karen.cochran at okdhs.org;
susan.loftin at deq.state.ok.us; marria.bratcher at treas.state.ok.us;
LeFlore, Bobby
Cc: Lisa.McKeithan at osf.state.ok.us
Subject: September 5 Technical Open Forum Change, One Session at 10:00

Yesterday's email regarding the Technical Open Forum stated two sessions,
10:00 am and 2:00 pm.  This was an error and should have only stated one
session time, 10:00 am.

Julie Dvorak


Technical Open Forum Session
Friday, September 5, 2003
10:00 am
Concourse Theatre (in tunnel between Will Rogers and Sequoyah Buildings)

The main topic of the open forum will cover the EDT procedures for
submitting and processing miscellaneous/7xx fund claims.  We will review
the procedures each agency will use for testing their interface to CORE as
well as the procedures for post go-live.

We would encourage the functional and technical people who work with the
EDT process to attend the meeting.

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