[Cobo] FW: Historical Budget Book - Request for Information

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Jan 6 10:14:51 CST 2003

Business Officers:

Please see the request for capital outlay information from the Office of State Finance below.  Please provide budgeted expenditures for FY03 (current fiscal year) by fund and sub-activity (number and project name) for inclusion in the Annual Governor's Budget Book. 

The web-site that has been forwarded shows the data that was included in last years' book.  

They are needing the attached worksheet completed for the capital expenditures by January 13th, next Monday. Please return the completed form by email or fax to the attention of Sheri Mauck and I'll forward as a complete group to OSF.  Please call if you have questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sherri.Fair at osf.state.ok.us [mailto:Sherri.Fair at osf.state.ok.us]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:41 PM
To: Maletz, Maryanne; Mauck, Sheri
Cc: Bill.Moore at osf.state.ok.us; Nancy.Tarr at osf.state.ok.us;
Rollo.Redburn at osf.state.ok.us
Subject: Historical Budget Book - Request for Information

We are preparing the Annual Historical Budget Book and need the following
information for each of the Colleges:

2)  FY-03 Estimated Capital Outlay Expenditures by fund, activity and
sub-activity number (rounded to $000's)

The FY-2003 Historical Budget Book was the first to include a section for
each college.  Here is the website link for last year's book as reference -

We would greatly appreciate receiving this information by Monday, January
13.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thanks.

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