[Cobo] Update on CORE Project

David Bosserman afinvpc at okstate.edu
Thu Jan 30 22:44:29 CST 2003


Is this issue going to be discussed at the President's Council next week? 
If the OSF can pass through their programming and development charges to 
us, can we pass through our programming and development charges to them? 
Should there not be some offset?  Finally, has ANYONE talked directly to 
the Director of State Finance? 


David C. Bosserman
Interim Vice President for Business and Finance, and Controller
Room 206, Whitehurst
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

405-744-6423 FAX

Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered; those who are 
skilled at winning do not become afraid; thus, the wise win before they 
fight, while the ignorant fight to win.

                                   Zhuge Liang

"LeFlore, Bobby" <bleflore at osrhe.edu>
Sent by: cobo-admin at lists.onenet.net
01/28/2003 09:06 AM

        To:     Council of Business Officers <cobo at lists.onenet.net>
        cc:     "Steele, Ricky" <rsteele at osrhe.edu>, "Wiley, Dianna" <dwiley at osrhe.edu>, 
"Smith, Darlene" <dsmith at osrhe.edu>, "Bowers, Rachell" 
<rbowers at osrhe.edu>, "Julian, Janna" <jjulian at osrhe.edu>, "Linder, Mary 
Jo" <mlinder at osrhe.edu>, "Snodgrass, Kurt" <ksnodgrass at osrhe.edu>, (bcc: 
David Bosserman/busfin/Okstate)
        Subject:        [Cobo] Update on CORE Project

Please refer to the attached document for the results of our efforts 
related to OSF CORE system.  Please feel free to contact me if you have 
any questions.  My telephone number is 405-225-9417.

                  <<COBO notification1-03.DOC>> 

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