[Cobo] FW: HE Payroll Interface Implementation

LeFlore, Bobby bleflore at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 11 15:53:41 CST 2003

We finally received the Payroll interface layout files from OSF which are attached to the e-mail I'm forwarding from Brenda Bolander.  Please read Brenda's e-mail carefully.  The implementation for Higher Ed for the Payroll interface is being postponed until January 1, 2004.  As mentioned in her e-mail the Thursday meeting to discuss the layout will be postponed until later this month or early April. Thanks for your patience.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Brenda.Bolander at osf.state.ok.us
[mailto:Brenda.Bolander at osf.state.ok.us]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:17 PM
To: LeFlore, Bobby
Subject: HE Payroll Interface Implementation

Attached are the two new file layouts for the Higher Education interface
implementation, along with the cover explanation pages.  These are
finalized and ready for distribution.

Due to the late start that we had to begin work on these, we have requested
and received approval to postpone the Higher Education interface
implementation into the new Core system until January 1, 2004.  This will
provide for appropriate testing and a clean cut-over for the new calendar
year tax reporting.   We have verified that the State Treasurer and the
Office of Personnel Management will be able to continue to support your
current processes, while all other Core systems will be operational in

We will continue to work with the HE institutions and begin testing file
layouts as soon as they become available.  It is important that OSF have
sufficient time to perform a full range of integration testing on the new
files once they are complete and pass all loading edits.  We are targeting
to begin integration testing in October.

Since this gives both the institutions and OSF a little more time to work
this through, we will postpone a general meeting on the file layouts until
later this month.  Please let me know when would be convenient for you to

Brenda Bolander
Core Project

(See attached file: Higher Ed Layout Cover.doc)

(See attached file: Payroll Layout File Final.xls)

(See attached file: higher ed demographic layout.xls)

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