[Cobo] FW: EDT Poll

LeFlore, Bobby bleflore at osrhe.edu
Tue Sep 2 10:19:12 CDT 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie.Dvorak at osf.state.ok.us [mailto:Julie.Dvorak at osf.state.ok.us]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 7:57 AM
To: mspears at odva.state.ok.us; cgray at drs.state.ok.us;
nfiltz at okcareertech.org; garciaa at ohca.state.ok.us;
phil.motley at okdhs.org; tom.james at doc.state.ok.us;
dennisj at health.state.ok.us; s_slater at ocmeokc.state.ok.us;
mpatterson at odot.org; ron_s at compsourceok.com; rgarner at odmhsas.org;
jburton at dps.state.ok.us; Stan_VanOstran at dcs.state.ok.us;
bob.zapffe at doc.state.ok.us; cateb at odawan.net;
Kent_Tippen at sde.state.ok.us; msturgess at odwc.state.ok.us;
rayh at health.state.ok.us; d_leftwich at ocmeokc.state.ok.us;
blawrence at odot.org; jhazeldine at odot.org; dave_b at compsourceok.com;
lfortelney at odmhsas.org; bkoehn at otrd.state.ok.us;
lmorton at dps.state.ok.us; sdiffee at odva.state.ok.us;
rhulin at oktax.state.ok.us; pkland at drs.state.ok.us;
jmurphy at drs.state.ok.us; jaulg at okcareertech.org;
evansc at ohca.state.ok.us; karen.cochran at okdhs.org;
susan.loftin at deq.state.ok.us; marria.bratcher at treas.state.ok.us;
LeFlore, Bobby
Cc: Jerry.Stillwell at osf.state.ok.us
Subject: EDT Poll 

I know that each agency has been diligently working to modify their
in-house systems in preparation for the implementation of the CORE system.

The EDT layout specifies the processing requirements that have been
identified in PeopleSoft.  The two major issues dealt with (1) providing
the vendor id/vendor location codes in order to find the correct vendor for
processing and (2) providing the purchase order line/sched information in
order to reduce the order appropriately.

Most agencies have expressed a desire to provide this information in the
interface files to ensure proper processing of their claims.  We would like
for each agency to answer the following questions:

1.  will your agency be submitting vendor id/vendor location on the edt
claim file?

2.  will your agency be submitting po line/schedule numbers on the edt
claim file (for encumbered claims)?

3.  will your agency be submitting receiving information electronically?

Please respond to Lisa McKeithan at the e-mail address listed below by noon
on Thursday, Sept. 4th.

See you this Friday!

Lisa McKeithan
Office of State Finance
Program Development - 405.521.3772
lisa.mckeithan at osf.state.ok.us

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