[Cobo] vendor file and claims file questions

Janice Pearsall jpearsall at zeus.okccc.edu
Fri Sep 26 14:49:51 CDT 2003

I wanted to post these questions regarding the Vendor File and Claims 
file, to see if anyone could answer them:
1. When you go-live, what would cause a vendor to be removed from your 
Vendor file? (I.e., do you delete them, if they haven't been used within 
a certain time frame?)

2. Wanting to verify that both test Vendor Files and test EDT claims can 
be submitted and processed in the PeopleSoft Test system, during the 
scheduled down time, currently 10/25 - 11/2.

3. In the following error message, after running the nightly vendor 
interface process, field 28 is being populated with your Vendor ID, but 
field 29 is not being populated with your Vendor Location. After we 
verify that this is an actual duplicate, we will need to update our 
system with the Vendor ID and Vendor LOCATION.
'PS Vendor ID/old Vendor ID "0000027177/NNNNNNNNN" and name "Vendor Name 
" is a duplicate.'
We need both Vendor ID (Field 28) and Vendor Loc (Field 29) to be 
populated by the interface job.

4. When you go live, we are expecting that we would send you 
Add/Update/Change vendor records on a nightly basis. What is the 
"cut-off" time to have our vendor file submitted, so that they will be 
processed that night?

5. When you go live, will the Vendor and EDT files need to be FTP'd to 
the same location (IBM 'CORE.'), as they were during test?

6. What date can we expect to receive our userid/password for the live 
system?  Will we be informed of what security roles were assigned to a 
specific userid?

7. How will the vendor file interface be different in the live system? 
Currently, we can run the process, in the daytime, and receive our 
'Bunnnnn.VNDR.DAT' file back in the daytime. I have heard that the 
agencies will not be 'running the process' in live. How will you know we 
have a file that needs processed?

8. Will the test system be available to the agencies, after you go live?

9. Will the vendor file naming convention ('CORE.BUnnnnn.VNDR.RECEIVD' 
and 'CORE.BUnnnnn.VNDR.DAT') be different in the live system, so that we 
might have more than one 'DAT' file on the IBM, at a time? (Currently, 
this is true for claims, with the edt#, and payroll, with the claim#).

10. FYI... I was able to get a list of possible "Vendor File Error 
messages" in the nightly interface from Paul Phillips 
(paul.phillips at core.state.ok.us)

11. When we get the error message "Legacy Vendor ID "736017987"--is a 
State FEI; add manually.", what process should we follow to add the 
vendor, and obtain the Vendor ID and Vendor Location?

12. I was told that a 1099 claim will be rejected, if the vendor has not 
been set up with the 1099 flag set to 'Y'. What will happen if we cannot 
add the vendor, because it is a duplicate, and the agency that added the 
vendor, did not set them up as a 1099 vendor?

Janice Pearsall
Oklahoma City Community College

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