[Cobo] Tuition Approval Process

Cunningham, Sandy scunningham at osrhe.edu
Wed Apr 7 16:06:49 CDT 2004

Attached is a copy of the letter distributed to presidents today
providing the timeline and information about the tuition approval
process.  In addition, the electronic files of the FY05 tuition and
mandatory fee request forms are also attached.  Please complete the
appropriate undergraduate, graduate, and professional program form(s)
for your institution's tier and programs and also complete the form for
documenting the impact on students' ability to pay.  Also, for each
mandatory fee which your institution will be increasing, please complete
the corresponding mandatory fee form (also attached).  June 11 is the
deadline for submission of the FY05 requests.  These will be presented
to the State Regents on June 30.  Give me a call if you have any
Sandy Cunningham
Fiscal Analyst
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73104
scunningham at osrhe.edu <mailto:scunningham at osrhe.edu> 
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