[Cobo] FW: NACUBO Webcast - June 16 - Keeping Retirement Savings Plans Healthy

Mauck, Sheri sheri at osrhe.edu
Thu Jun 3 15:52:20 CDT 2004

We are hosting the following webcast conference here in our large conference room on June 16th, 12:30 pm Central Time.  If any of you would like to join us you are welcome to attend.






presented by:


in association with:


June 16 - 1:30 pm EDT
A NACUBO Tax Series Webcast
(Program is approximately 100 minutes)

When was the last time your institution reviewed its retirement plan operations? Join IRS pension plan experts for a briefing on the kinds of problems being identified during exams of 403(b) and 457 plans. Presenters will explain how the Service can help protect your plan's tax benefits should you discover an error in plan operation. Learn about the IRS Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) and identify steps you can take to keep your institution's retirement savings plans in compliance with tax rules. 


*	What problems IRS agents are encountering during exams of plans at colleges and universities 

*	Tips for ensuring your institution's pension plans are in compliance with federal tax rules 

*	How participation in the voluntary correction program will enable your institution to get and keep your 403(b) and 457 plans in order  


*	Chief Financial Officers 

*	Controllers 

*	Tax Managers 

*	Human Resource Managers 

*	Benefits Administrators


*	Andrew Cushing, Mid Atlantic 403(b)/457 Coordinator - Andrew Cushing is a 30 year IRS employee with many years' experience as a Revenue Agent examining a broad range of employee compensation plans.  Andy is based in Richmond, Virginia.  He currently includes among his duties the role of Coordinator of IRS activities in the 403(b)/457 arena for the Mid-Atlantic area.  He has extensive experience examining a variety of 403(b) and 457 plans and speaks on these topics to professional and employer groups.  Andy holds a Political Science degree from the University of Maryland and a law degree from the University of Baltimore.  He is a member of the Maryland Bar. 

*	Gary E. Mitchell, Manager, Voluntary Compliance Group 7552, Great Lakes Area, Chicago, Illinois - Gary brings a wealth of Employee Plans (EP) technical and managerial experience to the Employee Plans, Rulings and Agreements, Voluntary Compliance Program (VCP). He has extensive public sector experience with qualified retirement plans, reviewing the Form 5300-series determination applications and examining the Form 5500-series information returns. He remotely manages the Chicago VC group of VC Specialists from the Evansville POD, and is extensively involved with EP Customer Education and Outreach, serving on the Great Lakes Area IRS/ASPA Steering Committee, and acting as Co-Chair on the Great Lakes Area EP Customer Satisfaction Survey Project Team and TE/GE Council. 

*	Emily Taggart, Senior Internal Revenue Agent, VC Specialist, Voluntary Compliance Group 7552, Great Lakes Area, Chicago, Illinois - Emily is a Voluntary Compliance Specialist in the Great Lakes Area, Voluntary Compliance (VC) Group 7552, headquartered in Chicago. The VC Group administers requests for compliance statements under Revenue Procedure 2003-44. Emily brings a wealth of Employee Plans (EP) technical and procedural experience to the EP, Rulings and Agreements, Voluntary Compliance Program (VCP). She has been employed with the Internal Revenue Service since 1988 and during the interim has worked with the Employee Plans (EP) branch. Her background with EP has included an extensive period of specializing in the Sections 403(b) and 457 plans, making numerous customer education and outreach presentations in these areas. She has presented employee benefit topics at the Chicago Bar Association, Employee Benefits Committee meetings and the Chicago Chapter of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists (ISCEBS). 



Field of Study: Taxation

Course Level: Advanced

Prerequisites: None

Format: Live Webcast

Length: 100 minutes


*	Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP (Mac and Linux are not supported) 

*	IE 5.0 or Higher (Netscape is not Supported) 

*	Windows Media Player 6.01 or Higher (May have some issues with versions below 7.0) 

*	To successfully view this program you must first launch the "system diagnostic" below in order to ensure that you have an optimal experience.    

SYSTEM  <http://www.magnetmail.net/ls.cfm?r=10973621&sid=180231&m=40487&u=NACUBO&s=http://desktop.ilearning.com/launcher/check.htm> DIAGNOSTIC

This will check your machine and connectivity to ensure all systems are ready to go.  We recommend that you complete this step as soon as possible, in case you require technical assistance, but no later than 24 hours before the event. 

Note:  Be sure that all parts of the diagnostic run.  It may take a couple of minutes depending on your connection.

For more information visit our online   <http://www.magnetmail.net/ls.cfm?r=10973621&sid=180232&m=40487&u=NACUBO&s=http://www.nacubo.org/x1579.xml> Troubleshooting Guide.


*	After you finish the diagnostic, click HERE <http://www.magnetmail.net/ls.cfm?r=10973621&sid=180230&m=40487&u=NACUBO&s=http://www.nacubo.org/x3975.xml>  or on the Register Now button to go to the NACUBO website. 

*	Once your payment has been verified, you will receive an email containing enrollment and login information. 

*	Refund Policy:  Program refunds will be issued for cancellation only if notification is received in writing or via email within at least 5 business days prior to the program.  Due to financial obligations incurred by NACUBO, no refunds will be issued for cancellations after that time.  Technical problems are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. 

For more information regarding adminstrative 
policies such as complaint resolution  
please contact NACUBO Customer Support 
at 1.800.462.4916




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2501 M Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC, 20037

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