[Cobo] Concurrent Enrollment Survey

Risser, Paul paul.risser at osrhe.edu
Fri Jul 29 15:16:12 CDT 2005

Dear Presidents,
Attached is a very short survey about concurrent enrollment--we hope
that you can please complete very quickly.  
We have copied your academic, business and student affairs officers
because the location of  the information is in different locations on
your campuses.  You will probably want to forward this to the most
appropriate person on your campus.
Thank you for your help with this--the topic will get easier!
Hope you all are well.

Dr. Paul G. Risser, Chancellor 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 
Phone: 405.225.9120 
Fax: 405.225.9235 
mailto:Paul.Risser at osrhe.edu 

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