[Cobo] FW: Final Report

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Jun 9 10:59:57 CDT 2006

Please find the attached correspondence for your review and input from
the Council on Student Affairs.  



From: McMurry, Kermit 
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 10:37 AM
To: Mauck, Sheri
Cc: Maletz, Maryanne
Subject: FW: Final Report



Attached is the aforementioned report. Would you be so kind as to share
it with the Council of Business Officers and inform them that the
Council of Student Affairs voted to accepted the report and
recommendations, from the task force at their June 8 meeting and COSA
now wishes to share its content with various Councils including the
Council of Business Officers and make them aware of the report prior to
moving it forward to the President's Council and then on to the State
Regents. We know that, on some campuses in the state system, the
financial aid director reports to the chief fiscal officer, and we want
them to be aware of the report and also hope that the Council of
Business Officers will not only share the report with their financial
aid directors but also acknowledge receipt of the report as well as
endorse its recommendations.  If any member of the Council of Business
Officers have any questions about the report, they can call me or any
member on the task force  located in Appendix A of the report. If they
would like to endorse the recommendations, please ask them to forward
their endorsement to you and you then can forward it on to me. Thanks
Sheri for your help!




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