[Cobo] FW: Capital Budget, FY 2009-2013

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Apr 5 16:04:55 CDT 2007

As many are aware by Tim Martin's message below, the FY08 Capital
Budgeting System is now open for additions, deletions and updates for
FY08.  These changes encompass the 2009-2013 planning period.

Attached you will find the State Regents' instructional memo, timeline
and report form to return upon completion of the electronic updates.
Please let me know if you have any questions. The due date for changes
is June 8, 2007.  Please remember to incorporate your board's approval
process prior to the June deadline. 

Also, please review the email below with Tim Martin's suggestions and
instructions.  You must rank your projects in priority order with only
one number assigned to a project.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Martin [mailto:tmartin at oksba.org] 
Subject: Capital Budget, FY 2009-2013

Subject:    Capital Budgeting, Fiscal Years 2009-2013

To those involved with Capital Budgeting:

If this message has been incorrectly sent to you, please forward the
to the person or persons in your organization who have responsibility
capital budgeting.  I would appreciate being informed of any corrections
our Capital Budget contact list, including names, telephone numbers and 
email addresses.

            The web-based Capital Budget System is ready for your input
the Fiscal Years 2009-2013.  You will find information about the
Capital Planning Commission, and their annual Capital Improvements Plan,
the State Bond Advisor's web site, http://www.ok-bonds.state.ok.us.
requirements and other general information about the Capital Budget
may be found at http://www.osf.ok.gov/brstart.html.  Specific 
screen-by-screen instructions start at 
http://www.ok-bonds.state.ok.us/inst1.  If you do not anticipate
any capital projects during the fiscal years 2009-2013, please send me a

short memo or email confirming that fact.

            Please give extra attention to the following aspects of your

Capital Budget:

*        Definition - The Long-Range Capital Planning Commission (the 
"Commission") considers capital projects as those with a useful life of
least five (5) years and a cost of at least $25,000.  Any capital items
are typically purchased in quantities that meet these criteria should be

submitted for review.

*        Priority - You should have only one #1 (highest) priority
one #2, etc.  Order all your projects on a priority basis.

*        Funding - Do not list General Obligation (GO) Bonds as a source
funding.  There are no GO Bonds currently authorized for future
Please provide details concerning all your funding sources.  If you are 
planning some type of revenue bond financing, indicate the source of 
security (revenue source) and the authorization.

*        Description and Justification - Describe your projects in
Although the system asks for both these items in one entry of a single 
screen, they are each distinct aspects of your projects.

*        Fiscal Impact - Many users ignore this area of the capital 
budgeting process.  The Long-Range Capital Planning Commission, your 
management and Oklahoma's governmental leadership need to know the
costs and/or savings associated with your projects, if they are to make 
sound decisions concerning the approval and funding of your projects.

*        Rating Criteria and Scales ("scoring" your project) - Review
"Rating Criteria and Scales" guidance included with this memorandum.  If
project does not require new State appropriations (i.e., the project is 
"self-funded"), you do not need to complete this section.  Otherwise,
take care in completing the section.  For example, if you have five 
projects, the highest priority project (your #1) would have a raw score
"5" in this section; #2 would have a raw score of "4", and so on.  All
projects should not have a raw score of "5".  Rate your projects 

*        Timing - Please make every reasonable effort to complete your
to the Capital Budget System by July 1.  The Commission has deadlines it

must meet and needs time to review the projects.  A July 1 date should 
provide ample time to review any legislation from the most recent 
legislative session to determine any impact on your capital budget.
you have completed your input, please change the status of your budget
"Complete" (Note that The State Regents for Higher Education have an
deadline for member campuses and will effect the capital budget closing 
process for those campuses once the State Regents have completed their 
review and processing.)  If you see that you may not meet the July 1 
deadline, please contact me.

*        Consistency - If there is legislation pending or planned which 
provides financing for one or more of your projects, please make sure
the projects are reflected in your capital budget and that any
in your budget matches the description in the legislation.

Because the Capital Budget System has been in place several years, there
no group training/refresher sessions scheduled.  If you need assistance
using the system, please contact me.  If there are several users needing

assistance, I will attempt to schedule a group session if I am not able
respond adequately on an individual basis.


Tim Martin
Oklahoma State Bond Advisor's Office
(Staff to the Council of Bond Oversight & the
Long-Range Capital Planning Commission)
5900 North Classen Court
Oklahoma City, OK  73118
Phone:  405/602-3100
Fax:  405/848-3314

Email:  tmartin at oksba.org



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