[Cobo] data requests

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Sep 17 12:54:46 CDT 2007

We need a response on the following topics.  Please send your response
by email as quickly as possible. Thanks.




1.  Campus Security:  What is your current budget for campus security
efforts?  Please break out the sources of revenue that fund these


2.  Administrative & Utility Expenses:  Please list programs or actions/
initiatives that your institution has undertaken to decrease (a.)
administrative costs and (b.) utilities costs.  Give explanations if
necessary on how the program/initiative creates a savings in the two
areas listed.


Please respond by email by the close of business on Friday, September
21, 2007. Thanks.  You may return your responses to me.
smauck at osrhe.edu and be sure to include the institution for which you
are submitting data.

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