[Cobo] Part time benefits.

Bruce Wiese bruce.wiese at wosc.edu
Tue Oct 7 11:35:54 CDT 2008

Good morning,
I have two quick and easy questions regarding what number of hours worked by
permanent part time employees are they receiving paid benefits such as
retirement and medical.  At WOSC fulltime is 40 hours and no benefits are
prorated at a lesser level.
Question # 1  -  At what number of hours are employees considered full -
Question # 2  - What percentage of benefits are paid when an employee works
less than 40 hours per week?
                       20 hours ______
                       25 hours ______
                       30 hours ______
                       35 hours ______
Bruce Wiese
Vice President for Business Affairs
Western Oklahoma State College
2801 N Main
Altus, OK  73521
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