[Cobo] FW: ARRA - 12/31/09 Reporting Period

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Dec 22 14:45:26 CST 2009

For the next ARRA GRANT reporting requirements for January.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov [mailto:Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:53 PM
To: steve.funck at osf.ok.gov; sammy.paulson at osf.ok.gov;
Janice.wolfenbarger at osf.ok.gov
Cc: Brenda.Bolander at osf.ok.gov; Brandy.Manek at osf.ok.gov
Subject: ARRA - 12/31/09 Reporting Period

It's almost January and it's time to submit ARRA reports again.  In
preparing for the upcoming reporting period, we wanted to send this
containing updates and reminders.  Unfortunately, this is a fairly long
email, but we wanted to make sure we communicated all of the pertinent
information.  I am attaching the powerpoint presented at the 12/09/09
meeting.  Please review this powerpoint for a more detailed explanation
the following items.

Our goal this reporting period is to streamline the processing and allow
users to view information submitted to the central repository and to
information on the federal website.  This will provide two opportunities
for users to insure that the data has been reported correctly.
of the powerpoint include:

1)  csv files:  please use the appropriate naming convention for your
files.  This will make the review process in the Load Control reports
easier.  The powerpoint also contains an example of the 'passthrough'
functionality.  Also, please make sure you update the reporting period
each of the files to reflect the current reporting period - 12/31/09.

2)  FTP process:  both a test and production site are available.  The
powerpoint provides instructions for uploading to each site.  Typically
user will not need to upload to the test site, but the functionality is
available if needed.

3)  Load Control reports:  Users may review these reports to either (1)
identify errors detected during the edit/upload process or (2) validate
data that was successfully loaded.  To gain access to the load control
reports, users must request a userid.  Instructions are listed in the
powerpoint.  A 'Help' tab is available on the Load Control report screen
that provides helpful links, troubleshooting tips, and ability to
csv files and instructions.  OSF is in the process of contacting agency
security liaisons to provide userids and passwords to agency personnel.

4)  Federal website:  At least one representative from each agency
register at federalreporting.gov using the state's DUNS number
This will allow users to view data that has been loaded to the federal

OMB published supplemental guidance on Friday, December 18th.  I will
a copy of the memorandum in a separate email.  In general, it addresses
issues (1) data quality and (2) updated guidance on job calculations.

Data Quality: Federal agencies intended to improve the quality of data
reported under Section 1512 of the Recovery Act and further outlines
important steps Federal agencies must take to both identify
recipients and take actions to bring such recipients into compliance
Section 1512 of the Act.

Updated Guidance on Job Calculations:  Updates Reporting on Jobs
Estimates by Recipients.  The update reflects important simplifications
the manner in which job estimates are calculated and reported.
Specifically, recipients will now report job estimates on a quarterly,
rather than cumulative, basis.  As a result, recipients will no longer
required to sum various data on hours worked across multiple quarters of
data when calculating job estimates.

In addition, recipients will no longer be required to make a subjective
judgment on whether jobs were created or retained as a result of the
Recovery Act.  Instead, recipients will more easily and objectively
on jobs funded with Recovery Act dollars.  The updated guidance provides
series of practical and user-friendly examples of how the simplified
formula should be applied.

Recipients should implement the updated methodology to the greatest
possible for the January reporting period.

Reporting Timeline:  The federal law requires recipients to report by
10th of the month.  OMB has announced that the FederalReporting.gov
will be available for reporting from January 1st to the 15th.  This will
allow recipients a few additional days to update award information
it is considered 'late'.  The FederalReporting.gov website has been
to reflect the January reporting dates.

The federal government is implementing new edits to insure data quality.
This means that some items that may have loaded successfully in the past
may not pass the updated edits.  Due to this and the federal law
that reports are filed by the 10th, OSF would like to make sure that
agency uploads its data as timely as possible so that any rejections can
fixed and resubmitted.  Even if you do not have your 'final' reports,
please go ahead and submit the information that is available by January
10th.  Then, the final updates can be submitted through January 15th.
Based on the the published timelines, the federal website will be open
revisions until January 15th and updates will not be flagged as a 'late
report' until January 16th.

Please review the information in the attached powerpoint and the
email with the federal guidance.  The system is available so you may
submitting reports for 12/31/09 whenever you are ready.  If you have any
questions, please contact the OSF Helpdesk (521-2444 or
helpdesk at osf.ok.gov).

(See attached file: OK - OSF ARRA Presentation to Agencies on December

Lisa McKeithan
Office of State Finance - ISD
Enterprise Systems & Business Analyst
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