[Cobo] FW: 2009 Real Property Master Lease Potential Project Listing

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Jan 29 09:39:47 CST 2009

Please let me know by email if your institution plans to participate in
the REAL Property issuance for 2009.  I have responses from the
following two institutions:  OSU, and Cameron.


I understand that your institutions have been closed, as we have, the
last couple of days.  I'll need your listing no later that Friday, noon,
in order to meet the statutory deadline.  Please send me an email to let
me know your plans either way, so that no one misses this opportunity
for the calendar year 2009.



From: Mauck, Sheri 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:37 AM
To: COBO at onenet.net
Cc: 'Rackley, Susan'; 'Venard, Lynette'
Subject: FW: 2009 Real Property Master Lease Potential Project Listing


Business Officers, 


Please see this important correspondence sent to your President late
yesterday.  Also, note the submission deadline of January 28, 2009.


We anticipate that a REAL PROPERTY issuance would begin with Regents'
approval at their May 29th meeting and bond proceeds available around
the first week in September.  All final projects to be included in the
issuance would require your boards' approvals before the May 29th
meeting of the State Regents.  By statute, the legislature has 45 days
to approve or disapprove any projects on the list.


A tentative schedule for both equipment and real property Master Lease
Programs is being developed by ODFA and will be sent in a separate



From: Johnson, Dr. Glen 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:40 PM
To: Presidents
Subject: 2009 Real Property Master Lease Potential Project Listing


Dear Presidents, 

Attached please find my signed letter regarding the 2009 Real Property
Master Lease Potential Project Listing and a copy of the related
legislation. Please submit your listing to this office no later than
close of business Wednesday, January 28. Please print this official
correspondence for your records and feel free to share it electronically
or by paper copy with appropriate persons within your institution.


Glen D. Johnson

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