[Cobo] FW: ARRA - Continuous QA Cycle

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Feb 8 10:31:02 CST 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov [mailto:Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov] 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:46 AM
To: steve.funck at osf.ok.gov; sammy.paulson at osf.ok.gov;
Janice.wolfenbarger at osf.ok.gov
Subject: ARRA - Continuous QA Cycle

Just wanted to communicate a couple of items to you -

1.  The feds have implemented a 'Continuous QA' cycle.  This allows
agencies to continue to post comments on awards and allows recipients to
update award information.  This Continuous QA cycle runs from Feb 2nd
through March 17.  Any updates made through the federalreporting.gov web
site will be posted to recovery.gov every other Wednesday beginning on
10th.  For more information on this process, look at the
federalreporting.gov web site.  So, you may be receiving additional
comments from the feds during this Continuous QA cycle.

2.  Based on what we heard last week, the feds are not planning any
for the April reporting period.  So, we will continue with the same
as before.

Thanks for your continued hard work and support.  We appreciate your

Lisa McKeithan
Office of State Finance - ISD
Enterprise Systems & Business Analyst

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