[Cobo] FW: PDA Schedule for May 10-11, 2010 Severe Storms and Tornadoes

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon May 24 08:40:03 CDT 2010

Please see the attached schedule for the preliminary damage assessment
meetings with OK Emergency Management on the severe storms on May 10 and
11th.   These meetings are schedule for this week.


If your institution sustained damage please attend one the schedule
meetings or make contact with Kim Cress at OK Emergency Management.



From: Liebe, Fred [mailto:fred.liebe at oem.ok.gov] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:27 PM
To: Cress, Kim; _FieldServices; Shingledecker, Kathleen; Bourke,
Francis; DuBois, Karri (FEMA R6); 'david.wittum at dhs.gov';
'rex.rudy at fema.gov'; 'chandlerusar at hotmail.com'; Williams, Kevin;
Teague, Mike; 'lee.murphy at associates.dhs.gov'; 'shebe at ptsi.net';
'geneceorw at aol.com'; 'sweetwater5000 at aol.com'; Mauck, Sheri; Marsh,
Rose; Ooten, Michelann
Cc: 'Eaton, Gregory'
Subject: PDA Schedule for May 10-11, 2010 Severe Storms and Tornadoes


For your information and use.  Please contact me if you need any other



Deputy Director

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management

P.O. Box 53365

Oklahoma City, OK 73152


Phone:  (405) 521-2481

FAX:    (405) 521-4053

Cell:     (405) 590-0114

E-mail: fred.liebe at oem.ok.gov 


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