[Cobo] Refunding through Master Lease Program

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Tue Jan 25 09:04:59 CST 2011

As you are aware, the Master Lease Real Property program was expanded
through legislation last spring to include refunding of current debt.
It might be beneficial to your institution to consider a refinancing of
any privatized housing issuances or bond issuance from previous fiscal
years through this program under the current market conditions.    A
cost savings analysis must be part of the materials included in our
presentation to the Bond Oversight for their consideration.


Each project would need to be analyzed to determine if indeed cost
saving would be feasible under the terms for redemption of the original
issuance. As the time is nearing for the list to be submitted to the
legislature of projects under consideration this calendar year, you may
want to consider these projects.


Please let me know if you have any questions that we can help to get




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