[Cobo] FW: TOAL Regional Purchasing Conference

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Aug 27 13:22:51 CDT 2012


To all the Purchasing personnel (Business Officers, please forward
immediately) within the COBO schools. . . 


Please register now for the annual regional conference - TOAL -
(Texas-Oklahoma-Arkansas-Louisiana Region of the National Association of
Educational Procurement [NAEP]). See the link below. And strongly
consider attending TOAL Plus, which is included in the registration fee.


The conference runs from September 23 - 26 at the Embassy Suites in
Norman. TOAL Plus runs from September 26 - 28 (also at the Embassy
Suites). There is a fantastic program lined up full of learning, fun,
networking, and entertainment.


This year is Oklahoma's year to host the conference, and we must have
strong representation from the Oklahoma colleges and universities. It is
our opportunity to roll out the red carpet for our sister institutions
in the region. TOAL has a national reputation for being one of - if not
THE - best conferences within NAEP. Let's not only keep that reputation,
but strengthen it this year.


Thanks! And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact









Byron Burr Millsap, CPA  MBA

  Associate Vice President, Administration & Finance (Purchasing)

  University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma City, Tulsa)

  Offices      405-325-5161  //  405-325-2811  

  Mobile      405-620-2977  

  bmillsap at ou.edu


(Skip the printing...Save time, money, & paper)

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