[Cobo] (no subject)

Lisa McKeithan Lisa.McKeithan at osf.ok.gov
Fri Jun 1 11:16:11 CDT 2012

Sheri - would you please release this message to the listserv?  Thanks!

I know it has been over a week since our conference call, so I wanted to send out an update on what we have been doing and what we are planning.

*         We are working on updating our vendor file based on some name changes supplied by OUHSC.  We should finalize that update later today or first thing Monday morning.  Once that is done, our vendor file export (0152) will be updated with the new names.  This will be beneficial if you are using the vendor file export for TIN/vendor name comparisons.

*         We have completed testing the updates to our vendor load program to make sure it is working correctly.

*         We have created a list of error messages from the (0243) Nightly Vendor Load process - see attached.

*         Our next step will be to load the OUHSC vendor file.

o   We will load this into the test system first to make sure to provide a final validation  that everything is working like it should.

o   We will load the file into production.

*         Our functional staff will review the process and make any adjustments they feel is necessary.

*         We will start working with other agencies to load their files.

I have scheduled a conference call for next Thursday (6/7) from 10:30am - noon.

Phone:  405-521-4496
Password:  329989

Conference Call Agenda

*         Status update

*         Contact updates

*         Review error message on Nightly Vendor Load process

*         POISE users may want to stay on the call a little longer and we can discuss any issues that would be specific to you.

Lisa McKeithan
Oklahoma Office of State Finance
Information Services Division
Lisa.mckeithan at osf.ok.gov<mailto:Lisa.mckeithan at osf.ok.gov>
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