[Cobo] FY13 Budget Entry

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Jun 13 09:07:15 CDT 2012

The FY13 Budget Model are now available for electronic entry into the
CORE System.  Please have your budgets entered by close-of-business June
21, 2012.


Also, OSF has asked that we enter the capital budgets along with your
operating departments in the Base Budget Model, in order to reduce the
revisions that are required and the pressure to publish revision models
so soon after Base Budget approval.  Please make any effort to enter
them while entering your operating budgets and email or scan me the
coordinating SRA-12 form.  


Many of you already do this, but some continue a long-time practice of
waiting until the revision models are published.  OSF is asking that we
re-think this practice and reduce the necessary work required for
revisions to the Base Budget Model.  If you have questions about this,
please contact me. Thanks.



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