[Cobo] FW: Capital Budgeting, Fiscal Years 2015-2019

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Fri Apr 12 10:37:01 CDT 2013

This year's Campus Master Plan is due for completion in the State's website JUNE 12, 2013.  Please send the attached from back to me once your entry into the system is completed with the total number of projects.  Thanks.

Subject: Capital Budgeting, Fiscal Years 2015-2015

Subject:    Capital Budgeting, Fiscal Years 2015-2019

To those involved with Capital Budgeting:

If this message has been incorrectly sent to you, please forward the message to the person or persons in your organization who have responsibility for capital budgeting.

The web-based Capital Budget System is ready for your input for the Fiscal Years 2015-2019.

The entry point for the Capital Budget System may be found at

The deadline for Higher Education input will be established by the Office of the State Regents for Higher Education.

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