[Cobo] FY16 Academic Services Fees Request Forms

Collier, Yolenda ycollier at osrhe.edu
Wed Oct 22 14:26:43 CDT 2014

Good afternoon,

Attached are forms for requesting changes to FY16 academic services fees and a preliminary schedule. The deadline for submitting the forms is Friday, January 30, 2015.

A request for change to academic and services fee form must be submitted for each fee change which include any new fee, increase or decrease of an existing fee amount, and deletion of a current fee.  Please submit all fees change forms in one spreadsheet under different tabs for each institution, campus, or special program.

There are five categories in academic services fee changes forms (see tabs on attached file) as listed below, please utilize appropriate category of fee change form when submitting a request.

*       Special Instruction Fees

*       Facility/Equipment Utilization Fees

*       Testing/Clinical Service Fees

*       Classroom/Laboratory Supply & Material Fees

*       Other Special Fees

As institutions propose fee changes as well as the approval processes on campus and by the boards, please complete all applicable columns before submitting the forms:

*       Be specific about the name of fee, course prefix, and course numbers

*       Accurate amounts on current fee, proposed fee, and the change

*       Fee to be assessed by per credit hour, per course, per semester, annually, or other basis

*       Fee to be assessed to lower division, upper division, graduate level, or professional programs

*       Indicate if the change is for a new fee

*       The date the fee was last changed and the date approved by local governing board

*       Comments, description, and any supporting documents for the fee changes

*       The amounts of projected new revenue for FY16, estimated revenue for FY15 and total projected revenue for FY16

Requesting change to a current fee with new course name/new course number even when fee amount remain unchanged, both a new fee request with new course name/number (current fee amount of zero to proposed fee amount) and a deletion of fee request with current course name/number (current fee amount to proposed amount of zero) are required.

Please feel free to contact me If you have any questions and submit competed request forms to ycollier at osrhe.edu<mailto:ycollier at osrhe.edu> by January 30, 2015. Thank you.

Yolenda Collier
Fiscal Analyst
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
(405) 225-9317
ycollier at osrhe.edu<mailto:ycollier at osrhe.edu>

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