[Cobo] Meeting Date -- Council of Business Officers 2015-2016

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Aug 6 13:20:21 CDT 2015

Please find below the tentative schedule for the Council of Business Officers' meeting for the 2015-2016 cycle.  Please note that the meetings will be held in the Regents' Large Conference at 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK.  If it becomes necessary to cancel or reschedule a meeting, you will receive notice through the Cobo List Serve.

9-4-2015               Friday   10 - noon
10-1-2015            10-noon
12-4-2015            Friday 10 - noon
1-7-2016               10 - noon
2-4-2016               10 - noon
3-3-2016               10 - noon
4-7-2016               10 - noon
5-5-2016               10-- noon
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