[Cobo] Approaching Deadlines/Email Addresses - June 10

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Jun 6 14:31:22 CDT 2016

Please be reminded of the approaching deadlines for return of your FY2017 budget materials and note the email addresses to send  the electronic copies by this Friday, June 10th, if not before.  Thanks.

1.        SRA-3 Budget Forms and Background Materials - Yolenda Collier   -- Ycollier at osrhe.edu<mailto:Ycollier at osrhe.edu>                              405-225-9317

2.        Tuition and Mandatory Fee Forms - Jared Bellingar - Jbellingar at osrhe.edu<mailto:Jbellingar at osrhe.edu>                                                       405-225-9139

3.        Campus Master Plan Spreadsheet - Sheri Mauck - smauck at osrhe.edu<mailto:smauck at osrhe.edu>                                                               405-225-9201

If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your attention during this very busy time of year.
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